Happy International Day Of Sign Language

Janice M. Flanders
2 min readSep 23, 2022

Thanks to my wonderful Mom for teaching us this thing of beauty.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

September 23 is International Day of Sign Language.

Some of you may know from my writing that I come from a family of musicians and teachers. My Mom was both musician and a Special Education teacher. ASL was one of her favorite subjects to teach. In her school district classroom, there was no dedicated ASL teacher to work with ASL students back then. My Mom went through extensive training to learn how to communicate with her students in her classroom.

Mind you, this was in the 70s, long before you could Google anything at lightning speed or look up a YouTube video for reference. My Mom would bring home stacks of printouts and pictures of ASL alphabets and verbiage. I fondly remember how she loved to share what she taught her students with us at home. My sisters and I were thrilled to learn how to spell our names in ASL.

Final Thoughts
International Day of Sign Language has only been around since 2017. ASL Day is April 15th and has been around much, much longer.
I wanted to acknowledge this beautiful day and share my memories associated with it. Thank you for reading.

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Janice M. Flanders

Writer/Journalist. Artist. Environmental Justice Advocate. Social Media Analyst. Friend to the Planet and it’s creatures. I love words, birds, and nerds.